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Resource Sharing @ South Central Regional Library Council: South Central Reciprocal Access Program (SCORA)

Resource Sharing services and opportunities from SCRLC


The South Central Reciprocal Access (SCORA) Program is based on the premise that participating SCRLC libraries’ commitment to cooperation and service extends to library access for serious library users of other regional libraries, even though their collections may not otherwise be open or available in this way.

The program is meant to provide serious library users with access to resources not available in the library with which they are primarily affiliated or in other libraries open to the public.

SCORA is particularly helpful to users who:

1) need material from another collection immediately,

2) need to browse through a specialized collection,

3) lack sufficient bibliographic information for effective interlibrary loan, or

4) need to use resources that cannot be borrowed or photocopied.

SCORA is open to all SCRLC members (including members of public and school library systems) in good standing (i.e., those who are up-to-date on dues, fees, grant reports, etc.). Personal members of SCRLC are eligible through a participating Issuing Library. SCORA is an official program of SCRLC, authorized and supported by the SCRLC Board of Trustees. Although encouraged, participation in this program is completely voluntary.

Read on for basic information about the SCORA Program.  For more detailed information, please see the SCORA Program Manual.

Quick Overview

WHAT IS SCORA? It's the reciprocal access/direct borrowing program that enables the registered users of participating members to create a library account and check out materials from other participating libraries, in person. 

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Current faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, professional and research staff of participating institutions, serious researchers through their public library, and selected high school students.

WHERE CAN SCORA CARDS BE OBTAINED? Cards are issued by the user’s own library. 

WHEN CAN SCORA CARDS BE USED?  Cards may be used at all participating libraries. Cards are not designed for use when interlibrary loan would suffice.

WHY HAVE THIS PROGRAM? SCORA enables serious library users to obtain information resources at their point of need.

Participating in SCORA

SCORA is open to all SCRLC members in good standing. The home library may issue a SCORA Card to a serious, responsible, eligible user, i.e. no currently overdue books or history of lost or repeatedly overdue material. The SCORA Card may be used at participating libraries. A list of participating libraries is included on the SCRLC SCORA webpage. Access and lending policies vary among participating libraries.  All SCRLC member libraries may request to be added to the list of participating libraries by clicking here.  

Home/Issuing Library


SCORA cards are issued only after the resources of the Issuing Library have been exhausted. Eligible categories of users from participating libraries/systems may include faculty and students as long as the patron is in “good standing” at the Issuing Library. Participating libraries do not need to offer the same level of access as it may not be possible due to local restrictions.


Cards or template sheets will be sent to the library upon receipt of the completed form and each December thereafter. The card includes basic information like name of the patron, date the card is issues, date the card expires, and the name of the user's library.  The back of the card includes a list of basic SCORA requirements.  

Lending Library


All eligible persons will be allowed to borrow materials upon presentation of the SCORA card, subject to the procedures (e.g., inclusion in a user database) and restrictions set by the Lending Library. Borrowers are advised to consult the list of restrictions and called ahead of time, particularly if this is first-time use. Identification of Eligible Borrowers: A non-transferable, non-expired SCORA card, issued by a borrower’s home library (i.e., the Issuing Library), must be presented. Each card can only be used by the person to whom it was issued.


SCRLC works to improve reference and research library services, and to promote interlibrary cooperation in the use of such resources. SCORA is one of many services we provide to members and with that goal in mind, we: 

  • Design and distribute SCORA templates to participants for use with their approved library users.
  • Maintain the SCORA Program Participants List, including access and lending policies, courier services used, and contact information on the SCRLC website.
  • Produce materials including procedures manual and promotional materials used with SCORA.
  • Conduct training programs on SCORA Card use as needed.
  • Review periodically the SCORA Card program and update program guidelines as needed.
  • Monitor any issues/problems that arise; notify participants of non-eligible cardholders, as above.

Any questions and comments about the SCORA Card program should be directed to Christine Brown, 607-273-9106.

This project is administered by the South Central Regional Library Council.