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Education Guides: Events 2023

Links to our archived webinars and other continuing education resources for the library community.

Making Health Literacy Local with the NNLM

October 19, 2023

Presenter: Sarah Levin-Lederer

Health literacy affects a person's ability to access, use and understand health care and instructions and can have negative effects on health outcomes. But what is health literacy? What affects it negatively or positively? How can you support health literacy in your community?

Join the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 7 (NNLM R7) to learn about health literacy, its causes and see live demos of data sources, such as the Census, and health information resources to help customize programming to meet the needs of your local community. This session will also include an introduction to free services and resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NNLM R7, as well as a live activity to get attendees comfortable searching for data and using NLM resources.

Books Opening Doors: Prisons, Libraries and the Resources We Share

October 12, 2023

CLRC and SCRLC Annual Resource Sharing Virtual Conference 

Trauma-Informed Librarianship, Part 2: Essentials for Library Workers

June 12, 2023

Presenter: Lorin Jackson

Traumatic events are commonplace today and impact library workers as much as their users. In this webinar, we will explore what being trauma-informed asks of library workers, what challenges it brings, and how we can begin to address those challenges by reframing them as opportunities to become stronger library workers.

You'll gain an enhanced understanding of how being trauma-informed works in public library spaces for employees. By diving into real examples and sharing your concerns, we will collaborate to bring more clarity and support to growing new challenges about confronting trauma in the library workplace.

Trauma-Informed Librarianship, Part 1: Essentials for Library Users

June 5, 2023

Presenter: Lorin Jackson

Traumatic events are commonplace today. In this webinar, you'll learn more about what being more trauma-informed in library services can mean for library users. You'll gain a more robust understanding of trauma and what trauma-informed librarianship is in public libraries. Through interactive activities, you'll explore trauma-informed micro strategies and begin to develop your trauma-informed style of working with patrons.

Exploring the 2023 EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning Horizon Report

May 18, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Kathe Pelletier

This presentation will explore the trends, challenges, and key technology developments identified by a panel of global experts in the 2023 Teaching and Learning Horizon Report. Members of the Horizon Report team will highlight contextual trends and challenges and discuss how key technologies can assist higher education teaching and learning professionals in meeting upcoming challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. Scenarios describing several possible futures will be explored and the audience will be invited to consider potential implications for library professionals. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn about the contents and methodology of the 2023 Teaching and Learning Horizon Report.
  • Understand the trends and challenges identified in the report to accelerate or impede technology adoption in higher education.
  • Consider the implications of the possible futures related to the trends, technologies, and practices forecasted to impact higher education.

The Climate-Conscious Library: How Libraries Can Mitigate Climate Change and Save the World!

April 12, 2023

South Central Regional Library Council is pleased to host futurist Dr. Bryan Alexander on the topic of the climate crisis and what it means for our institutions of higher education and the wider communities. How can libraries be part of the solution? Together, what can we do to help our institutions and communities mitigate the climate crisis and its effects?

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Understand the impact of the climate crisis on higher education and our wider communities.
  • Have strategies to help their institutions and communities respond to and mitigate the current and future impacts of the climate crisis.
  • Learn how academic librarians at all levels can have a positive impact in the fight against climate change.
  • How public and school librarians can work with academic librarians, their institutions, and communities in this effort.
  • Understand how to help their libraries, their institutions, and communities develop resiliency in the wake of climate events.
  • Have hope that together, we can make a difference.

The Emerging Forces of Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Trends and Strategic Approaches

March 9, 2023

Presenter: Herbert Alexander

As libraries and cultural organizations develop initiatives that center diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, what trends and forces within our broader society are expected to impact and shape our approach? How do we position ourselves strategically to offer services to our increasingly diverse communities? What are the implications if our organizations are not equipped to support the communities we should be serving?

Herbert Alexander, Chief Diversity Officer at Cayuga Health System, will explore trends and strategic approaches to JDEI with us, including three forces that must be taken into consideration--and their implications.


Learn about and discuss:

  • three impactful forces shaping our libraries and cultural institutions and their implications
  • barriers to equity and inclusivity
  • ideas for closing the gaps between social responsibility and sustainability

Libraries Addressing Health Information & Disinformation

November 15, 2023

Presenter: Michelle Kraft

Technology has brought on many changes to finding information for both librarians and consumers. It has also brought on changes as to how misinformation proliferates and infiltrates within society. Michelle will talk about the opportunities and challenges librarians face when dealing with health information in a post-truth world. From social media posts, predatory publishing, and AI, how can we be sure the information we are providing to patrons is valid and how can we help arm our clinicians and patrons to become better discerning consumers of health information?

Lunch & Learn: All About Ticks

October 18, 2023

Presenter: Mandy Roome

Mandy will cover the various tick species across NY and the human pathogens that they can carry, discuss how different mammals impact the spread of Lyme and other tick born diseases, and cover the ongoing Pfizer Lyme vaccine clinical trial.

Lunch & Learn: Telehealth Technology and Building Connections Digitally

August 8, 2023

Join Reid Plimpton from the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center for an interactive discussion about the lay of the land when it comes to Telehealth Technology, and how to best utilize all of the possibilities within Library Settings and other Patient Access Points. This presentation aims to help establish a similar level of footing for all attendees as they prepare to enter the exciting next phase of telehealth implementation opportunities.

Topics covered will include: Provider and Patient Considerations during the visit (including privacy and quality considerations), Use Case Examples and Specific Room Design Highlights, an open discussion around the various technology options and workflow considerations, and more!

Lunch & Learn: What is a Medical Librarian?

June 7, 2023

The inaugural webinar of the Lunch and Learn series on Health, Wellness and Hospital Libraries with Matt Roslund, MLIS and Medical Librarian at the Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown sharing how he came to be a medical librarian and what he does at the Bassett Medical Center Library. He will also provide some tips for library liaisons to improve access to medical information. In addition to Matt's presentation, there will be opportunities to meet library liaison at other hospitals and ask questions about medical librarianship. 

Assessment- Implications and Applications for Library & Information Organizations

May 22, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Kawanna Bright

This webinar will build upon the introduction provided by Dr. Bright's May 11 webinar and cover DEI assessment approaches for Library and Information Organizations (LIOs).

Learning Objectives:

• Evaluate current workplace practices in order to begin the process of identifying DEI strengths and weaknesses.
• Develop initial DEI goals/objectives (personal/organizational) to address identified strengths and/or weaknesses.

DEI Concepts and Cultural Competency: The Integration of DEI Practices into Library Work

May 11, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Kawanna Bright

This webinar will focus both on the concepts surrounding DEI and DEI-related concepts of identity and culture and the importance of cultural competence as it applies to both individuals and Library Information Organizations (LIOs) as workplaces.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand concepts related to DEI, including the importance of defining "basic" terms
• Discuss identity and culture as they apply to LIO workplaces
• Define and understand cultural competence and cultural humility within LIOs.

Digital Accessibility: Why It-And You-Make a Difference

March 30, 2023

Presenter: Rebecca Oling

SCLRC has sponsored several webinars to help libraries gain a better understanding of the disability landscape, universal design and how to approach accessibility audits. How can we ensure that we apply these concepts to the information we share, the investments we make, and (perhaps most importantly) how can we communicate these efforts with each other and our patrons? With this last webinar, we will take that work one step further to pull the curtain back a bit on digital accessibility and universal design for learning. With this webinar, participants can expect to be able to:

  • Describe what digital accessibility (DA) is (and why it matters)
  • Define how DA pertains to library staff as information creators and curators
  • Describe what a VPAT is and isn't and why it is relevant
  • Determine relevant existing efforts and how to make them more transparent to patrons
  • Understand that advocacy is a shared responsibility
  • Brainstorm ways to work together in the consortium to maximize efforts
  • Plan potential ongoing training for workshop attendees and relevant staff
This project is administered by the South Central Regional Library Council.